My shopping cart is empty but I selected items.

You've chosen items in our store, however, the shopping cart says there are no items in it.   

Oops! Something happened during the checkout process.  This usually happens for one of two reasons.  Either your browser does not allow third-party cookies, or the time allowed for the checkout process has been exceeded.

If you're receiving a message that your cart is empty, it's usually because your browser is unable to accept cookies.  
Why do we use cookies? Our site is designed to use cookies to keep track of the items that you order during your shopping session. When you're ready to check out, all of the items are saved in your shopping cart by using the cookie.  
This Privacy and Security settings are controlled by your Internet browser (such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Edge or Chrome)
In the toolbar, look under "Preferences" or "Tools", and then "Internet Options". Then look at your Privacy and Security settings.    
In order to gain access to the website, you will either need to lower your Privacy setting to "Medium-High" OR you place our site on the "Always Allow" list or "Trusted sites" list.  

*In Edge you can enable cookies by navigating here:

Edge>Settings>Advanced Settings>Cookies.
If you'd like to place your order over the phone, please call 1-800-922-2144.

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